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Presidential Election & The War between Prophets

By Dr. Moses Lee, Nov 10, 2016

In the 2002 presidential election, fifty thousand pastors of Korean churches said Lee Hoi-Chang, the leader of the Grand National party would become President. And eighteen senior pastors of mega churches in Korea laid hands on and anointed Lee Hoi-Chang.

It was only Dr. Moses Lee who predicted Roh Moo-hyun’s election at that time. He had to suffer hardship and persecution because of the prophecy about Roh’s election. He was even denounced as a communist and a false prophet. However Dr. Moses kept on adhering to Roh’s election despite all the false rumors.

After the election, President Roh Moo-hyun and Dr. Moses Lee came to have close relations. At a National Prayer Breakfast, where President was present, Ryu Jae Gyon, the interim leader of the Uri party said, “All the pastors in Korea and in America, except for this young pastor, said Lee Hoi-Chang, the leader of the opposition party would become President. He had to suffer a lot because of his prophecy.”

Then President Roh Moo-hyun stood up suddenly to bow to Dr. Moses Lee in front of thousands of people, saying, “Thank you, young pastor. You are the only pastor who supported me. Your support was a great consolation to me. I will surely treat you to a meal.” Dr. Moses told President Roh, “You can do whatever you want to do and plan to do, for the Lord is with you. The Lord your God, who chose and appointed you as President, is with you and helps you.”

President Roh made a big donation to Rwanda in return, when Dr. Moses Lee started the ten-year-national development of Rwanda on the outer. Amos Kamukisha, Honorary Consul General at Korea (President of Kingdomizer Business Mission, Dr. Moses’ core disciple) sent a thank-you note to Dr. Moses for the $60 million donations, when a high school teacher of Rwanda was paid $20.

Now Rwanda is the eighth most prosperous among 53 countries in Africa, having the lowest perceptions of corruption in Africa. (CNN report, August 10, 2015). It became more transparent and safer country to invest in than America.

Dr. Moses Lee could gain the national fame as a sole pastor who supported President Roh Moo-hyun and especially got a chance to win the respect of pro-Roh faction.

At this U.S. presidential election, Dr. Moses supported Trump’s election to the end despite lots of persecution and could win the war between prophets, even though Trump’s promotion program was not able to be made as planned because of lack of budget.

Give glory to the Lord!

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